Affirmation is something we all seek and no more so than in business. The smile of a happy customer, a firm handshake when the deal’s done or a growing client list – they keep us on track and let us know we’re doing something right. At Razor Video Brochures, one form of affirmation stands out over the rest – repeat business.
There’s no mistaking what it means and the difference it can make to your business. One example we’re very proud of is Canon. We’ve recently completed our third project for them and we’re sure it won’t be the last. It all started with a high-level presentation box housing a multi-faceted invite to the Rugby World Cup in Japan and followed with two more event-based video brochures.
The presentation box enjoyed the highest response rate Canon and Razor Video Brochures have ever experienced speaking volumes for the success of our collaboration. 30% of our business is repeat business with the likes of Aristocrat, EY, Telstra, Children’s Hospital Foundation,, Bayer and Mimecast returning to us for more.
On project completion, we conduct a performance audit to determine what we did right, what we could do better and most importantly what led to the repeat business. One reason continues to surface and that’s the ability to reduce the ‘cost of lead.’ A recent study by Hubspot put the cost of a lead using both inbound and outbound strategies at $198 per lead. That’s a fair chunk of change in anyone’s language. The sheer amount of information a video brochure can convey along with the impact they make can go a long way to drastically reducing that figure.
In these uncertain times anything that minimises costs without impacting effectiveness is worth investigating. If you want further information on our numbers, give us a call at Razor Video Brochures today – we’ll be happy to share them with you.
Further information
Brendan Farrugia
Managing Director
1300 194 747